Aromasin with large test dose

vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Hello, before I ask the question, I have had plenty of cycle expierence, 5'11 225 8-9% bf. I have learned my body over the years and well, test works the best for me, not really into any other stacks and I've tried them all.

The aromasins my guy got for me are very strong, each cap is 20mg, so I can't really break it up.

I was thinking of 900mg test cyp and upping calories to 6000(which will be super hard but I'm sure with enough effort it can be done).

Would 20mg aromasin eod suffice in almost a gram

Of test? I am not really gyno sensitive, I did a test and dbol cycle a while ago and got a tiny bit of gyno but this aromasin cleared it up. Can it be dosed e3d?

Aromasin with large test dose

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