ostarine 6 week cycle log / on day 4 right now

jeudi 23 octobre 2014

After about 5 months of research, I have decided to do a cycle of ostarine. I received 2 bottles from unique last friday and I began my 6 week cycle @ 15mg on monday the 20th. I am eating mostly clean with very few cheat meals (burgers). My calories are usually just above or at maintenance level. My workouts include: (push-monday/legs-wednesday/pull-friday) I do light cardio once a week and abs at least 2 times a week.


fish oil, multivitamin, b12, creatine, purus organ shield (just in case), and whey

Days 1-4 @15mg:

Have not felt or seen anything from this cycle thus far. Workouts felt the same. Only thing I can say is that the taste is not as bad as everybody makes it out to be.

I am thinking about upping the dosage to 17.5mg next monday.

Question: I have some extra DAA and some otc AI (estrogenex). Should I add this to the cycle? Or does it not make much of a difference?

ostarine 6 week cycle log / on day 4 right now

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