Progressing and tapering first cycle

jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Hey everyone. Since this will be my first cycle ever I was thinking about starting off at lower dosage and progress up then tapering it towards the end the cycle, but had a few questions about this route. I have a 20mL (6000mg) of CYP. My goal was to take 600mg of CYP for 10 weeks. If I started at lower dosage should I spread my total cycle out longer or not? For example I would start week 1 with 200mg CYP week 2 300mg and so on, then at the halfway mark start lowering the dosage again. So if I went this route should I spread the total length of the cycle or just keep the 10 weeks and Judy have CYP left over after my cycle? Also if I lengthen my cycle do I need to lengthen the PCT as well? Thanks

Progressing and tapering first cycle

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