Lowered Test Dose - Feel Amazing!

samedi 25 octobre 2014

Gentleman - I thought I'd share my personal experience as it relates to my transition from Androgel to Test-C, and my overall feeling / sex drive as I lowered my Test-C dose.

To provide some high level background:

1) 32 Years Old, 6'1 Height, 205lbs, 11% BF

2) Started TRT @ 25 as I tested in the low 400's, felt like crap, low

sex drive etc.

3) Was put on 6 pumps of Androgel 1% and 350 IU X 3/week HCG, and felt great for years, tested is low 700's

4) July of 2014, switched to 100mg Test-C/week split @ 50mg/3.5 days, and lowered HCG to 105IU/day. The change to injection was due to wife and I starting family, and I did not want to risk the Androgel transfer.

5) While on the above injection protocol, I gained a great deal of water weight, my right nipple developed a lump, felt low energy, low sex drive. My high level blood work had my Total Test @ 778, and Total Estradiol at 30. From a numbers perspective, it looks good, but felt brutal.

6) As of 5 weeks ago, I lowered my Test C dose to 80mg/week split every 3.5days while continuing my 105IU/day of HCG and I feel AMAZING. The feeling of improvement was effective week 2, has improved, and I'm back to feeling like a champ (great sex drive, energy sense of well being.

I've yet to get blood work given my new protocol, but I thought I'd share the above as I thought that sharing the above may be of interest given my experience.

Lowered Test Dose - Feel Amazing!

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