NAC is great!

vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Just wanted to thumbs up Nac. I have been waging a war with chronic sinusitis for almost a decade. It comes and it goes. I also train Jiu jitsu, if anyone has sinusitis they can brush and floss 20 times a day the dragon breath just lingers. I've tried everything, antibiotics, netti pot, honey, lemon, apple cider vinegar (not fun)...

Been taking nac at 1200mg a day morning and night with some vitamin c. 10 weeks. No more sinusitis.


NAC is great!

Strength andconditioning


I'm looking at stacking igf lr3 and equipoise for a cycle. Anyone ever done this? I'm a 35 male 94 kg approx 20% bf. I train hiit and powerlift with oly lift. I need a boost get leaner but don't want to get too bulky. Is there any other type of supplements I need to support this cycle? Is there any other advice as I'm a rookie...

Strength andconditioning

run test or save it for tren and epi cycle?


I need some advice. I had a coach help me with my last cycle (I ran epi and tren for 2 months) - this was a year ago - and I don't have that type of money anymore so I've been trying to learn these things myself. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not, but I feel like my hair is thinning, so I'm doing a DNA test to see if I'm very likely/unlikely to lose hair based on my genes (it's 40 bucks btw I think everyone should do it if they care about their hair). So while I wait on that, I was wondering if I should run test first.

I have 2 bottles of T-X3 (3200mg D-aspartic acid, 300mg fenugreek, 50mg arimistane). I don't know if I should use it or would it be better to save it and run it at the same time as epi and tren for maybe 2-3 months?

also if i were to just tun test, I would still have to do PCT correct?

+ I've had gyno since puberty and it's been bothering the sh1t out of me. Thoughts on if I should get surgery before cycle or do cycle and take Nov, aromasin or Letro to see if that will help? I know it's too late cause I'm old now.. but I mean i would rather try than spend 7k

run test or save it for tren and epi cycle?

was taking 1.25mg of Arimidex 2 a week per docs orders and it cause my E to get low

How long before my e gets back in the 20-40 range if i take half the dosage twice a week. My current estradiol level is 6.82. Fortunately i haven't had any noticeable sides yet. I have been on this protocol for 4 weeks.

was taking 1.25mg of Arimidex 2 a week per docs orders and it cause my E to get low

Cutting for BIG eaters

Just to clarify something:

Im looking for real life experience of real big eaters.

If you dont NEED at least 2000 calories(clean) to feel somewhat full minimum 3 times a day, YOU ARENT A BIG EATER TO ME.

Here's my issue:

Right now im 195pounds 17%bf 5'9"

I find myself big enough for now and would like to be ripped.

Gaining muscle is pretty damn easy.

Shredding fat on the other hand is pretty damn hard...

Im looking to drop Bodyfat, but if I eat under 4000 calories I feel like im starving... I cant handle a deficit for long cause my energy drop real fast...

Im looking for advice of people who have/had the same issue, and what you did to be able to stick to a deficit for a extended period of times?

Im looking for people with a big appetite, the dude thats has always been ripped as **** who throw up at eating a 1000 calories meal arent what im looking for.

Small tip here: if you have difficulty gaining weight (you dont have enough appetite...)


P.s.: Im in TRT so anabolics trick are welcome :)

Im jealous of dudes who cant gain muscle. Force feeding is easier than starving... At least, it is for me...

Cutting for BIG eaters

blast and cruise guys. how do you go from long ester to short esters?

Lets say you cruise on test e/c 125mg a weeks and are planning a blast, lets say, 100mg tren eod and 50mg test p eod (or whatever dosage if you prefer lower test than tren). How do you go from the long ester test to the shorter? Do you wait a certain time after the last E pin to start with the short esters? Also, after the blast, when you go back to trt dosages, do you stay on the prop until the E kicks in?

blast and cruise guys. how do you go from long ester to short esters?

UFOs are real, aliens have federal jobs

More on aliens and UFOs. So why is it here lately we seem to be deluged by UFO sightings, by some very credible sources?

Read on................

Area 51 scientist's deathbed video: UFOs are real, aliens have federal jobs

Area 51 scientist's deathbed video: UFOs are real, aliens have federal jobs - Charleston News |

In one of the most extraordinary and strange deathbed confessions ever, an Area 51 scientist and career government worker recently left behind a video revealing supposed federal secrets that are nothing short of a conspiracy theorist's dream come true. The Inquistr reported Oct. 28 that Boyd Bushman, a highly accredited aerospace scientist and the holder of numerous ********** patents, decided to come clean in his last hours and record what he knew about the U. S. government's dealings with aliens and its secret UFO program. Perhaps most astonishing of all, though, was his revelation that not only were UFOs real, but that 18 extraterrestrials were currently working for the U. S. government.

Boyd Bushman, whose career saw the man holding positions with Lockheed-Martin, Hughes Aircraft and other aerospace firms, died on August 7. But prior to his passing, he gave an interview that has caught the attention of many in the UFO community. His words affirm much of what many have come to believe -- that UFOs are real, that the government has had dealings with aliens for decades, and that there has been a concerted effort to keep the information secret from the general populace over the same period.

Bushman says in the video that he was responsible at Area 51 for "reverse engineering" alien technology for use in the U. S. military. Among his revelations was that the alien craft was indeed saucer-shaped -- it was an actual "flying saucer" -- and 38 feet across.

But far more shocking -- some might say more disturbing -- was Bushman's claims that aliens that had traveled to Earth were out and about, working for the federal government. The scientist said there were 18 extraterrestrials working for the government. Some of them were at least 250 years old.

Boyd Bushman isn't the first former government employee with inside knowledge of secret facilities like Area 51 who has been willing to share their experiences. However, he may be the most credible. His position as an aerospace engineer and his having opened up just before his death in what amounts to a deathbed confession (an act seen as having legal weight) lends extra merit to his words.

Bushman also produced several photos of what he claimed were aliens working at Area 51, some of which he says died while working at the top secret government facility. The Nevada facility has been operational since 1955 and has been the focus of speculation ever since. Being an experimental testing ground cloaked the base not on in secrecy but also added the atmosphere that gave rise to the idea of cover-ups and sinister goings-on.

It is a story worthy of "The X-Files." Still, is there any validity to the claims of the late Boyd Bushman? Is Area 51 exactly what conspiracy theorists and UFO true believers have claimed it to be over the years -- a hiding place for UFOs and extraterrestrials?

Although Bushman's claims may be difficult to verify, one thing is certain: His video testament has become something of note. Since it was posted on Oct. 8, the interview video has garnered over 2.6 million views to date.

UFOs are real, aliens have federal jobs

Aromasin with large test dose

Hello, before I ask the question, I have had plenty of cycle expierence, 5'11 225 8-9% bf. I have learned my body over the years and well, test works the best for me, not really into any other stacks and I've tried them all.

The aromasins my guy got for me are very strong, each cap is 20mg, so I can't really break it up.

I was thinking of 900mg test cyp and upping calories to 6000(which will be super hard but I'm sure with enough effort it can be done).

Would 20mg aromasin eod suffice in almost a gram

Of test? I am not really gyno sensitive, I did a test and dbol cycle a while ago and got a tiny bit of gyno but this aromasin cleared it up. Can it be dosed e3d?

Aromasin with large test dose

Hi From Turkey

Hi everyone!I am from Turkey.I am male and I love steroids .I want one thing for now please active my pm ability.Thank you

Hi From Turkey

HGH Serum Test, what were your results..

jeudi 30 octobre 2014

I like to start a thread here so everyone can share there results with generic, but more soo pharm grade HGH test you've had. Please add both growth hormone, igf-1 results and brand of HGH used. (As growth hormone levels arn't really a true indicator to real HGH thats why we need igf-1 aswel)

HGH Serum Test, what were your results..

Nolvadex from Balkan

Has Balkan Pharmaceuticals created a new batch of nolvadex that is larger and does not have the dose printed on the tabs? I had previously purchased some from the same supplier that was different, and I was told that this is a new batch. So I am wondering if it is true that Balkan has produced a batch that consists of larger tabs but still dosed the same or this stuff is bunk?

Nolvadex from Balkan

after cycle 4 month ago low testerone what should I do?

im 27yr old

my first steroid dbol only cycle 6 week

1 week 30

2 week 40

3 week 50

4 week 50

5 week 50

6 week 50

7,8,9,10 week off not pct


restart new eq, test-p,winny cycle

eq 500mg 1-12week

propionate 300mg 1-6 week

winny 50mg 1-4week

12 week hcg 2500 iu

13 week 2500 iu

14 week nolva 40 clomid 100

15 week nolva 40 clomid 100

16 week nolva 20 clomid 50

17 week nolva 20

after pct 4 month later

blood test result

fsh 5.29mIU/ml (1.5-12.4 normal)

lh 6.24mIU/ml (1.7-8.6 normal)

test level 2.26ng/ml normal range (3-8)

what should I do????

after cycle 4 month ago low testerone what should I do?

new to site

hi all new to this or any site or forum it just looked like a good place to get and give information I have not competed since 1999 injuries and life got in the way but after a year back in the gym im dead set to do it again I just love being on stage just looking forward to talking with every one im now 50 im 6" and 225 at 15 or 16 % with no strict diet two months into my cycle of hgh test and tren looking for any advice supplements and the gear has changed over the years I was away still dealing with a partially torn tri but just have to work around what is delt hope to get help and give help thanks

new to site

Yet another first cycle question.........

Hi guys

Hope you are all good.

Been training for twenty years or so, pretty serious in the last four. Made good gains and now want to step it up a gear and begin a cycle. I'm very new to steroids, although I'm currently taking HGH but will stop as I think its not worth the money.

From what I've seen a good first cycle would be Testosterone-Ethanthate 500mg/week for 12 weeks, taken with Dianabol for first four weeks. PCT will be Clomid and Nolvadex.

So my question is..... is the above cycle acceptable for a first cycle and at what dosages would you recommend for the dianabol and PCT's. Is there anything else that I need to take with this and how long do I take the PCT's for. Also, I'm stopping the GH after four wks tomorrow. How long do I need to wait before a steroid cycle.

Please excuse my naiveté

Look forward too hearing from you guys.



Yet another first cycle question.........

Tips on choreographing first free-posing routine?

For my first show I really have no idea where to start with constructing my free posing routine (with music). Any advice is appreciated! :-)

Tips on choreographing first free-posing routine?

Things you weren't ready for on your first cycle?

What are some things that you admit you weren't prepared for? Maybe physical changes in the body, the amount of products you would need, the psychological effects, etc. Responses are really helpful especially to eventual newbies like me so I can be more prepared. Thanks so much!

Things you weren't ready for on your first cycle?


Does anyone know where hmg is priced reasonably? Even if overseas. I'd like to start running it but the local compounding pharmacy will not even fill the script.


Ready to try my first blast-Help appreciated

Have gotten my RBC and Hematocrit to a decent level (42) with blood donations. Have been on TRT for 2 years. Down to 100 mg's a week. Want to try a blast of 500 a week to try and gain some size. Any suggestions,precautions and duration recommendations appreciated.


Ready to try my first blast-Help appreciated

Progressing and tapering first cycle

Hey everyone. Since this will be my first cycle ever I was thinking about starting off at lower dosage and progress up then tapering it towards the end the cycle, but had a few questions about this route. I have a 20mL (6000mg) of CYP. My goal was to take 600mg of CYP for 10 weeks. If I started at lower dosage should I spread my total cycle out longer or not? For example I would start week 1 with 200mg CYP week 2 300mg and so on, then at the halfway mark start lowering the dosage again. So if I went this route should I spread the total length of the cycle or just keep the 10 weeks and Judy have CYP left over after my cycle? Also if I lengthen my cycle do I need to lengthen the PCT as well? Thanks

Progressing and tapering first cycle

Weight loss myths!

This is just a well wrote article I found while scrolling through my news feed, and I figured it could help some people.

It may be old news to many, but I still see some of these myths floating around from time to time!

Weight loss myths!

Some fat loss myths never seem to die. While they might not slow down your efforts, these myths can still waste your time. Maximize fat loss by avoiding these 9 myths.

It seems that old myths never die. Despite living in an age of unparalleled information exchange, most of the same old, same old fat loss untruisms keep getting passed around.

Though most of these unfounded pieces of advice are rather harmless, they may cause you to waste time on unnecessary practices.

The following fat loss myths are still prevalent. I see them passed around on a regular basis. In fact, I recently received a spam email that contained each of the myths listed below.

9 Fat Loss Myths

Myth #1 - Frequent Eating Ramps Up Your Metabolism

It seems this notion will never die.

There is no scientific evidence that shows frequent meal consumption increases the metabolism. A review of pertinent studies found that total daily energy expenditure was the same, regardless of the meal frequency used. (1)

Frequency of meals in this meta-analysis ranged between one and seventeen feedings per day. Researchers stated: "Studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly-labelled water to assess total 24 h energy expenditure find no difference between nibbling and gorging."

Since this 1997 study, all new research has supported this conclusion.

Myth #2 - You Must Eat Protein at Every Meal

Proper daily protein intake is essential when losing fat. It helps your body hold on to valuable muscle, improving your body composition as you lose weight.

Though eating protein at every meal isn't a bad thing, it's not necessary. As long as you are reaching a reasonable daily protein intake level, it generally doesn't matter when and how you eat it.

Don't panic if you miss a protein meal. You are not going to go catabolic and lose all your gains. This obsessive compulsive belief has ruined many a day.

Myth #3 - You Shouldn't Eat Carbs after 2 PM

This is another load of bologna, as my grandmother would say. As long as your daily calories are in check, and you aren't overeating carbs in an unbalanced manner relative to the other macronutrients, it won't matter much when you eat them.

There is nothing magical about late afternoon or evening carb consumption. The human body doesn't contain a secret "off button" that suddenly turns all carbs into fat after 2 pm.

The assumption is that metabolic rate slows while sleeping. On the average, this is not true. While the human metabolism does initially decrease by 35% after zonking out (2), it later increases significantly when you achieve REM sleep.

The end result is that your metabolism while sleeping is no slower than your resting metabolic rate during the day. (3,4) Furthermore, it should be noted that daily exercise leads to an increase in your sleeping metabolic rate. (5)

Myth #4 - You Need to Perform Endless Hours of Cardio

Wrong, wrong and wrong. While 3 to 4 cardio sessions of 20 to 30 minutes each per week is great for overall health, cardio itself isn't an efficient fat loss tool - diet is.

Let's say you are walking 3 miles per hour. One mile of walking burns approximately 100 calories. You would need to walk 35 miles per week to burn off one pound of fat. Even if you had the time to walk this much, you wouldn't lose fat unless your eating habits were in check.

Don't overkill the cardio. Structure a proper diet plan and the weight will come off. Add is some cardio each week for improved health and conditioning.

Don't overkill the cardio. Structure a proper diet plan and the weight will come off. Add is some cardio each week for improved health and conditioning.

Myth #5 - You Should Immediately Cut Calories

Blindly cutting calories doesn't address your bad habits, nor does it help you forge a new lifestyle. Without addressing the eating (and drinking) habits that got you in trouble in the first place, you are likely to fail and gain any weight you do lose back.

Before you rush out to cut calories, take an honest assessment of your diet. Try to remove 90% of the following:

Sugary drinks and fruit juices (fruit juice is like fruit without all the good nutrition found in the pulp and skin)

Processed foods (boxed meals, most frozen foods, etc.)

Junk snacks (cookies, crackers, chips and candy)

Once you weed out most of these trash foods, you can then insert healthier options. At this point it is time to start watching your calories.

Myth #6 - Rapid Weight Loss is Always a Good Thing

While losing 4 to 5 pounds (or more) per week might be necessary for very obese individuals who are trying to regain good health as quickly as possible, it is not the best way to lose weight if you want to look good when you're done. Let's set aside talk about extremely obese individuals and talk about you.

Most of us need to drop about 20 to 40 pounds of fat, tops. If this is the case, to look your best after the fat loss process is done you want to lose about 1.5 to 2 pounds per week.

This rate of weight loss will allow you to maintain as much muscle mass as possible while losing mostly fat. This is what you want. If you drop the pounds in a rapid manner you will lose muscle and fat, and risk ending up looking thin, but still soft and somewhat flabby.

Myth #7 - Fasted Cardio is Superior for Fat Loss

Not true. Without getting into all the debates over types of cardio, and the optimal time to do cardio, I want to bring to the table some common sense.

We have already established that diet drives fat loss, and cardio has a minimal impact (unless you have time to exercise hours and hours each day). With this understood, I highly recommend simply doing:

The type of cardio you enjoy.

The type of cardio that is appropriate for your age, health and conditioning levels.

Cardio at a time of day that makes the most sense to you.

While HIIT cardio may be the best form of cardio on paper, it also might be risky for you. Walk, swim, or go bowling. Just get moving. Once you start to build up your fitness and conditioning levels, then you can try more challenging forms of cardio if you desire.

Also, it's far better to perform cardio at a time of day where you are not rushed or tired. You are more likely to enjoy it and stick to it without missing cardio sessions.

Returning to the topic of fasted cardio, here is a quote from Brad Schoenfeld on the subject:

In conclusion, the literature does not support the efficacy of training early in the morning on an empty stomach as a tactic to reduce body fat. At best, the net effect on fat loss associated with such an approach will be no better than training after meal consumption, and quite possibly, it would produce inferior results. (6)

Myth #8 - Choose Low Fat Foods to Lose Fat

Eating fat does not make you fat. This is one of the prevalent, but ridiculous nutritional myths. It needs to die, and I encourage you to help with this process.

Excess calories makes you fat. Candy, cookies, chips, crackers, high calorie fast food, processed dinners and meals, sugary drinks...most people over-consume these food products while underconsuming real, whole, nutritionally dense foods.

Low fat foods often contain added sugar for taste, or are misleading to begin with. How many times have you seen this on a bag of candy or cookies: low fat! Of course these things are low fat; they're all sugar!

A "low fat" label on a food is meaningless. It can still be very high in calories.

A high calorie diet makes you gain weight. Control your calories, you control your weight. Fat will not cause you to gain weight if your eating habits are reasonable and balanced.

Myth #9 - Avoid Fruit During The Fat Loss Process

This is another foolish fat loss myth. Yes, fruit does have some sugar, but no, fruit is far from calorie dense and hard to overeat. In addition, fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals.

We will beat the same drum here: overall calorie intake is the most important factor when it comes to weight gain. I have yet to run into a single individual that "got fat" from eating too many strawberries, apples or oranges.

The reasonable amount of natural sugars and carbs found in fruit won't make much of a difference. They certainly won't cause your belly to grow if your overall calories are in check.

While losing fat it's best to eat a variety of fruits and veggies each week. This allows you to intake a broader spectrum of vitamins and minerals, and is great for overall health.

Fat Loss Recap

So to recap:

Eat meals that fit your schedule and needs. There is no urgent reason to eat every 2 to 3 hours. This will not ramp up your metabolism, but it may cause you to waste a lot of time figuring out what to eat 6 to 10 times per day.

It's ok to eat a meal that is short on, or devoid of protein. This will not stunt the fat loss or muscle retention process. Aim for a minimum amount of protein per day. It won't matter much when you eat this protein.

Eating carbs after 2pm is ok as long as your overall calorie intake is in check. These carbs will not turn straight into fat.

Your eating plan is your primary fat loss mechanism. Use cardio for overall health and conditioning, not as a primary source of fat loss. Cardio with a poor diet will not yield fat loss.

Before you rush to cut calories, analyze your bad eating habits. Understand that if you don't take steps to curb these habits, you risk gaining fat back when your diet is over.

To maximize muscle mass while losing fat, you want to lose about 1.5 to 2 pounds per week. This will help you look your best when the weight loss process is done.

When and how you do cardio won't matter much. Pick a form of cardio you enjoy, and perform it at a time in the day when you are likely to have the most energy.

Eating fat does not make you fat. Overeating calories makes you fat. Low fat founds are not inherently low in calories. They are often filled with added sugars. Buyer beware.

Eat a wide variety of fruits each week. The small amount of sugar and carbs in fruit will have no impact on fat loss as long as your overall calories are reasonable.

Weight loss myths!

Anavar only pct?

Would clomid 50mg for 10days after a 6week anavar cycle of 30-50mg would be enough? Please dont ask me about my goals and stats.

Anavar only pct?

Viagra not as effective?

Im used a fair bit of viagra and within 20-30mins my erections are rock hard. Last few tmies ive taken it it has done nothing, took some half hour ago and still nothing. Then a few days before i tried 200mg and it worked a little but the next morning i was hard as a rock, almost like it took a whole day to kick in..


Any ideas?

Viagra not as effective?

Throat infection

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

****ing great, last few days ive had a cough and now a sore throat and was scared it was tonsilitis. Go to the doc last night and she says its just a throat infection and gave me a script for Roxithromycin. Take 2 per day.

Rant over/. Pissed off! Hopefully it clears in under 2 weeks because im going on holiday.

Throat infection

hi all new old guy

new to this site and any forum but not to the gym last competition was the late 1999 but back at it looking forward to helping and learning many things have changed over the years best to all

hi all new old guy

Need help with my TRT question...

I've been taking testosterone cyp for about the last 3 years from my dr do to low T levels. He has basically been telling me there is no problem with taking the test cyp every week for the rest of my life which i find that hard to believe and that is why i've been doing alot of research over the last few months on trying to reverse my issue if possible. From the blood test he's taken he has determined it is 2ndary hypogonadism, which is my pituitary gland not sending the LH signals to my guys to produce my own Testosterone and said there is nothing we can do about that problem?? I started doing research online about testosterone and realized this is the same stuff bodybuilders are taking and realized it turns off natural testosterone in them as well, but they some how learned what helps turn it back on. I actually have a couple questions I was hoping someone could assist me with.

1. Is there anything that can be taken to help get off the testosterone for a bit to kick back on natural testosterone and get my pituatary gland working properly? For the last 30 days i have tried stopping the test cyp and have been taking HCG and Clomid (2 weeks) and i feel perfectly fine like my own test is working. From my research HCG acts as if the body is sending LH signals so i don't think it is really helping with the core issue for my pituitary gland not being able to send the signals my body needs.

2. If i'm going to be taking the test cyp i was contemplating taking another anabolic steroid with it to get better results in the gym like Deca. I posted it in another forum and they suggested getting my TRT under control but wasn't exactly sure what that means if there is no solution for the issue above. Would Deca be a good choice to start with in combination of test cyp, i've seen several examples like the novice cycle II on this site. And would you suggest any other things i could be doing while off the test cyp in conjuction with the HCG?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Need help with my TRT question...

How long for tren ace to kick

Did 150 mgs on mon and 150 mgs today on Wednesday ? Don't feel shyt. Assuming my shyt is real and dosed close to 150 mgs when should I feel tren? Negative side and or positive sides? I though I was suppose to be feeling like a God on Tren.

How long for tren ace to kick

High hemocratit and BP

Have a question about donating blood and hemocratit and BP. Before TRT hemo was 44 and BP perfect, now it's 50 and slightly elevated BP. My question is how will donating blood effect my BP. Is it a short term fix ,

Meaning it'll lower for a day or 2 then rise again , or would a donation every 3 months keep it down? I understand it will always rise again as long as I'm on test, just curious how Long it will keep it down .

High hemocratit and BP

NPP and cutting?

How would NPP work in a cutting cycle? I haven't seen any logs about it and only know people who bulk with it.

NPP and cutting?

My First Cycle

I am 27 years 6'2" 265lbs . November makes one year that I have lost 60lbs. I am about 26% body fat still. I want to run 10-12 weeks of Test stacked with Equipoise, followed by Nolvadex. I want to shred this body fat by doing intense cardio and lifting. I have always been an athlete, and my diet has been decent (I have lost 60 lbs). Do you think running this stack is the way to go? I would like to lose 5-10% body fat. I know it wont be instant and will take time, but am I going the correct route?

Please help me out.

My First Cycle

Test Levels @ 48.6

So I'm 6+ weeks out of my last cycle and pct (clomi/nolva) and I had my bloods ran. Normal range is 240-800 for my age range of 32. Dr is asking me if I've been on any "test boosters" or anything which I obviously told him no. I figured it was low with me gaining tons of water weight and some fat with it no matter my diet. I wanted to hit the dr in hopes he would consider me for TRT just so it wouldn't be an issue if I had it...somewhat. I have hcg on hand to run after I'm through at the dr just to get me back in normal range. What would you recommend in my condition? Rerun pct or just start running hcg and at what dose do you recommend?

Test Levels @ 48.6

Questions and concerns for 1st cycle

Hey everyone,

Just a little introductory about myself before I get into some questions: I am 27 years old ex college athlete competitively training and lifting since my 10th grade year in HS. I have lifted and trained up till I was 25 where My career kind of took over my schedule, now that career is taken care of and I have the time to get back in the gym I want to be in my college shape days or even better. I never took gear in the past mainly because I felt I was too young, now I feel i am finally ready physically. I am doing extensive research and increasing my knowledge about AAS, I personally think knowledge wise; I am not yet ready but I will be before I start and with some of your help.I have been back in the gym constantly for the last 3 weeks 4 days a week mainly just cardio to lose the extra bf I packed on over then last two years. Below are my stats and questions to follow. Thank you

Current stats:

Age: 27

Weight: 205

Bf: 18-19% target at start of cycle 14%

Height: 5'-11"

Diet: strict on point

Goals: lean muscle mass and cut at end

target date:may 2015

Location: Bayside New York, Work in Manhattan

First cycle (input greatly appreciated)


W 1 Test E (650mg)

W 2-10 Test E 500mg (250mg x 2 a week) Monday & Thursday

adex .25mg eod.

Winstrol weeks 10-14 50mg

pct: nolva 40/40/20/20

Should I add tren to this cycle? (Suggestions)

Blood work 1 week prior to first pin.


My main Concern I have is about gear, how do you guys know your getting the absolute best gear available and not a lower crap grade? I have found some good sites but not sure how great there products are. Is it something I have to do more research on to find out how good of a product he manufacturer produces? I'm looking for best available!

Is it unheard of to go weekly to the doctor to make sure the cycle and my health is ok in response to the current cycle?

My hair is really important to me how do keep it wile on a cycle and/or post cycle?

I also have had gyno removed completely through surgery . I developed this from puberty is there a chance of it coming back even with the appropriate precautions?

Since I will be ready to start within the next couple of weeks pending questions and concerns vein resolved. Should I run another cycle leading up to may 2015?

I really like anavar due to the lack of side effects. Is there a stack that anyone can recommend to achieve my goals that has anavar?

Thank you very much for your time it is greatly appreciates any help, suggestions and input would be taken seriously.


Questions and concerns for 1st cycle

2 weeks in pct already recovered?

Finished my 2 weeks of pct with 40/40 nolva.My balls came back already,my libido is up,morning woods.Actually they are better than pre cycle.Maybe the injectible test not cleared yet ?I waited 2 weeks to start pct though.

I did a 250 test e e3d cycle with adex 0.25 eod.10 weeks.Actually I got more acne in pct is this normal?

2 weeks in pct already recovered?

First cycle, need to know how much sustanon 250

Hello, i have recently started my first cycle, and wanted to get some advice, i plan on taking sustanon 250 (organon) for 10 weeks injecting every monday and thursday for a total of 500 mg weekly, 0.5mg arimidex eod until start of pct (3 weeks after last injection), 250ui hcg shot twice per week starting week 2. My pct is nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50. My diet is 40% protein, 40% fats, 20% carbs (250g protein per day). My current stats are 92 kg, 14% bf, 5ft10.

Recently i found out that it is better to inject sust m w f and i wanted t know if i can go up to 750 mg per week safely.

thanks in advance.

First cycle, need to know how much sustanon 250

Estrogen management Question- testicular injury

Ok here it is,

Im on TRT at relatively young 28 due to a motocross testicular injury.(**** right?) That's beside the point, I've been running blast/cruise with a cruise at 200mg/wk test E, and a blast of 100mg Test prop/100mg Masteron EOD. I Run adex at 0.5mg EOD when blasting, and for a few weeks after.

I am still a lean performance athlete, so mast appealed to me and I've had great results.

OK here it is: I have a very small amount, of clear fluid visible from each nipple if apply pressure/squeeze. It's not even enough to create one drop, just enough that it looks moist. No lumps.

I believe I have a very good source, but I was suspicious of a recent batch of A-dex, since it was labelled differently than everything else. I replaced it with Adex from CMS(known reputable source here) and increased the dose to 1mg ED- that was 4 weeks ago.

I thought I had resolved it but on investigation today I notice the fluid again, barely there but still.

I will have bloodwork coming soon, but for the time being do we have any thoughts? I ordered Letro and Caber, I realize caber is not normally for what Im running.

Estrogen management Question- testicular injury

injection timing

mardi 28 octobre 2014

Hi everyone, been lurking here for a while now trying to learn as much as I can but have a question I cant seem to find an answer to.

Due to my job (fly in fly out miner) I am unable to inject lets say test e every 3.5 days as I work 5 days on, 4 days off, 5 days on, 5 off, 4 on then 5 off. Whats everyones opinion of injecting on the first and last day of my break?

injection timing

So i was at the store buying bananas...............

...........after gym tonight. As many as I eat I go through them pretty fast. I'm in line, and then I hear the checker say "damn dude, your huge". Not looking up, I'm thinking "ok, that's stretching it a bit". And then I do look up. Fvcking Mr. Twiggy with his rubber band arms. "Damn dude, wish I could get huge like that just eating bananas".

............."It's not the bananas mate. Ya just gotta eat"

(what I felt like saying is that Meth is not in the food group.............) his defense though, I'm sure it was his high metabolism as he pointed out later in the conversation

So i was at the store buying bananas...............

Steroid "Gurus" /Coaches

What are some top steroid guru coaches who can get 100% pharmaceutical gear and know the BEST gear to take for YOU? I know of Hany and Charles Glass, that's it. I don't have 4500 for a cookie cutter diet and one response a month. Also, let's say I did have the money, how do u get them to take you under their wing and get you to the top?

Steroid "Gurus" /Coaches

So Canseco was in The News Again

This had to hurt considerably more than the time a fly ball bounced off his head for a home run.

Jose Canseco reportedly shot off his middle finger — accidentally — Tuesday at his home in Las Vegas, according to TMZ Sports and local news reports. The ex-MLB slugger, who has a knack for continuing to make headlines all these years later, was cleaning his gun when he accidentally shot himself.

TMZ Sports says surgeons are trying to save Canseco's finger.

Jose's fiancée Leila Knight tells TMZ Sports ... he was sitting at a table in their home cleaning the gun when it went off. She says he didn't know it was loaded -- and the shot ripped through the middle finger on his left hand.

Leila tells us 50-year-old Canseco is in surgery right now as doctors desperately try to save what's left of the finger. She says the bullet tore through the bottom part of the finger and doctors have already said he'll never have full use of it again ... even under the best of circumstances.

So Canseco was in The News Again

Long time luker, posting for time!

I have used this board for much information for planning my first run. As the time gets near I'm very much looking forward to it.

A few years ago I was morbidly obese with a weight of 335 pounds at about 50% fat. I have made it down to about 8.8% fat (Bod Pod) at 190 pounds.

Did a few bulk and cutting cycles while putting on mostly fat. I am very good at loosing fat and very bad at making lean gains no matter what I eat. I count all my cals and macros.

I have low T numbers but that is a long story. Looking forward to my first run and getting help here when needed.

Age: 34

Current Weight: 198

BF% - 9-11%

Long time luker, posting for time!

Burning sensation and throat ulcers from nov

I picked up and used some Nov from a board sponsor. I developed some serious throat ulcers and had to get some empty caps to fill with the liquid to use. I used half the bottle and was planning on using the rest for another run.

Should I discard the bottle and pick another one up. I wonder if they mixed it with rubbing alcohol?

Burning sensation and throat ulcers from nov

which steroids to buy?

I have my diet in check and following it very strictly, I just don't know what I should get to help me bulk up and get ripped. Which cycle should I try. I've tried other stuff in the past but don't know if I was doing it correctly so that's why I'm on here asking for some guidance.

which steroids to buy?

Health Insurance Premiums

I know there have been many threads on this, but has everyone's premium doubled? I am a single male and have been paying around $130 for health insurance for the past 3 years but since Obummercare (ACA) passed back in 2010, my plan is no longer available. I have been looking around but everything pretty much looks the same, but with the cost doubling. We need to get those clowns out of office as fast as we can!

Health Insurance Premiums

Please for the love of all things holy someone HELP me.....

New here.. I need some help!! I have never tried any type of steroid or HGH. I was in a car accident a few years back and left my right arm paralyzed for a period of time and had to have surgery, after everything the Dr. told me I am good to go. Cut to the chase, I have lost almost all muscle in my deltoid, and tricep only in my right arm. I have been working out for quite awhile now say about a year- year and half. I get so depressed and quit for a few weeks at a time and get started back. I have seen very little improvement since starting. I have tried to work out both arms at the same time, as well as doing extra work with the right deltoid and tricep to build it up, but its going very slowly. I have tried numerous workouts and trainers as well as proteins and supplements with some benefits. I need something that will help build the muscles back fast before I loss my mind. Im 28 year old Male, 5'9" 210lbs. BMI around 30 If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Please for the love of all things holy someone HELP me.....

Age and Serum T

25 and need help to get big

My name is SEJohnson I'm 25 years old 6'1'' and can't get my weight over 155 I wanna reach my full potential is there not a free test trial I can get before I invest in this cause money is tight but I will definetley continue cycles if I can gain mainly mass and see any change in my size after first cycle... It would mean everything!

25 and need help to get big

First Time User - HELP

Hi Everyone,

So this is my siutation:

I have dinobol steroids ready to go. But after some research, I have decided it isn't the best thing to use, on its own, on a first cycle.

I know there are some threads on here which may answer my question, but I need to ask, whats the best steroid for me to use? for how long, and what do I take after the cycle?

My other question is, is there is steroid to take in oral form which can be taken with dinabol? I understand the repercussions with liver issues etc but I would seriously consider taking a tablet form and not an injection. Even if its for a good boost to look good in the Aussie summer.

I am around 165 Pounds - 5'7 and 25 years old.

Thanks in advance everyone, I really appreciate it.

First Time User - HELP


Hello Guys. Soon I will be 19 and I plan on doing my first cycle then. I will most likely start it in February. It will be a Test E 500\mg a week. I will have HCG, Nolvadex and I can Proviraplex if needed. I'm not sure if I should get a AI for this cycle because its a low dosage and I've never experienced any gyno in my life not even in puberty, and surounding the endocrine system side effects, guys I believe I've finished puberty, because I've not grown since 16, I have a full beard, heck I've had pubic hair since 13. So the main question is should I get the Proviraplex? And should I get clomid?


HELP!!! Newbie here. Was in a car accident and lost almost all muscle in right arm.

lundi 27 octobre 2014

New here.. I need some help!! I have never tried any type of steroid or HGH. I was in a car accident a few years back and left my right arm paralyzed for a period of time and had to have surgery, after everything the Dr. told me I am good to go. Cut to the chase, I have lost almost all muscle in my deltoid, and tricep only in my right arm. I have been working out for quite awhile now say about a year- year and half. I get so depressed and quit for a few weeks at a time and get started back. I have seen very little improvement since starting. I have tried to work out both arms at the same time, as well as doing extra work with the right deltoid and tricep to build it up, but its going very slowly. I have tried numerous workouts and trainers as well as proteins and supplements with some benefits. I need something that will help build the muscles back fast before I loss my mind. Im 28 year old Male, 5'9" 210lbs. BMI around 30 If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

HELP!!! Newbie here. Was in a car accident and lost almost all muscle in right arm.

Tweaking protocol, advice needed!

Hey guys, so everythings been going great with my doc I met with her again to discuss how the last month has been (currently on 120mg/test split 2x/week, with 600iu split 3x/week with roughly 50-75mg DIM/day). After agreeing things are getting better but some improvement is still welcome we decided to up my overall hcg dose to 900iu/week and test to 140mg/week which I can assume will put me at close to ideal numbers. My doc said she doesn't mind if I stay on my current injection protocol but is also open to me going to more frequent injections but said she would leave it up to me. Currently this is what my protocol looks like:


T 200iu hcg


T 60mg test

F 200iu hcg


S 200iu hcg, 60mg test

Overall energy, mood,and libido are doing well BUT I notice on Sunday my energy crashes a bit Im thinking due to E2 conversion. SO Im wondering, due I stay on this with my increased doses OR do I move to something like HCG day 1 Test day 2 repeat in order to keep things more stable? Im doing IM test injections so EOD is probably as frequent as Im willing to go, but hcg is on the off day so technically that would be every day.

Tweaking protocol, advice needed!

Nebido/Reandron and e2

Ok for those on Nebido a little personal experience update. Firstly, it seems that tt and ft remain very consistent and stable up to week 8 which is great news.

In regards to e2; it seems that I always get a spike in the first two weeks well above the limit (120 :30) mine went to 210.

I decided to try a very small dose of arimidex every 3days (.15) but was not sure of the length of the period. I had bloods every two weeks and now at six weeks it is at (e2 that is) 60 (20 in other labs terms) which is probably too low. So it seems the dosage is only required gor the first two weeks of each 8/10 week shot.

Nebido/Reandron and e2

My 8 Week Cycle: Opinions

Cypionate - 500mg Per Week x 8 Weeks

Dianabol - 50mg Per Day x First 4 Weeks

Winstrol - 40mg Per Day x Final 6 Weeks


For PCT: Nolva, Clomid, and HCG


I just want a second opinion before I go ahead and get all of this.

My 8 Week Cycle: Opinions

Anavar/ test E cycle

Hey guys I'm going to run a 10 week cycle of test e 250 mg X2 a week, and on the 4th week run anavar @ 50mg ed, the whole time running arimidex eod @ 0.25mg , and a pct of nolvadex 40/40/20/20 2 weeks after last pin , my question is are there any otc supps or stuff of that nature that I could benefit from taking while on this cycle?

Anavar/ test E cycle

Test and eq second cycle

Hi all

I know this is the 100th thread about the same subject but I am really confused.I bought test cyp and eq for a 10 week cycle.But I read many forum posts that says eq must be run minimum 15 weeks.So I bought more test and eq.But then I read people cant recover from long cycles.What should I do?The dosages Im considering was 600 -500 or 750 -500.This is my second cycle.I recovered well ,no sides.Im training for powerlifting and I blieve I maxed out the gains from 600 test because my total increased 250 lbs.I have nolva ,adex ,clomid and hcg.I may drop the eq and save it for some other cycle or just go for a 17-20 week cycle of

600-750 test 1-17 or 20

500 eq 1-15 or 18

Hcg on cycle 250 iu e3d

Pct nolva and clomid

Ok thanks.

Test and eq second cycle

Test E Solo Cycle?

I'm 35 Been Traning for about 12 years.

I was thinking running test E at 500mg a week

2 Shots Mon/Thurs for 250mg

For about 12 weeks then at the end of the cycle or if

I start noticing some gyno I was going to

PCT Novla 40/40/40/20/20

Sound like a good cycle ?

Test E Solo Cycle?

Alpha Pharma Healthcare - ?

Hey guys, I recently got a source from a close friend of mine and he acquires from Alpha Pharma Healthcare. I was wondering if anyone has had any recent experience with them and any feedback on their Test E amps to be specific. And info would be much appreciated.

Alpha Pharma Healthcare - ?

Orals on this site

What's up with the orals sold on this site? Worthwhile? Worthless? Sides?

Orals on this site

test supplement

Hi there! I have tried a lot of supplements out there but now (after my test cycle) I am just using noexplode for pre workout and promatrix for post workout. I have a few servings left and I would just like to ask what Test based supplement (strongest and legit) would you recommend? A few years back i used testosto grow Hp. And its the best. Its where i got my first PR at the bench. Anyway its not anymore available in the market. I was hoping you can give me suggestions? And what can i stack with it? Like whey again?

Thanks and i hope this is in the right thread.

test supplement


Hey guys I'm done having kids, and going to have a vasectomy next month. I went in for my consult and they were asking me if I'm taking any blood thinners and any prescriptions. Told them NO but should I tell them about taking cialis or anything else?


I skipped a week of gym and I feel ashamed (Advice Needed)

Im thinking of switching to another gym, I hate all the attention I get from my gym buddies for being absent. :chairshot

I got pretty depressed due to my hormonal imbalance, started smoking cigs again and havent been eating well at all. I feel like a complete loser.

I skipped a week of gym and I feel ashamed (Advice Needed)

Threatened by online store

Hey everyone as usual I'm a long time lurker and first time poster.

Making this thread to ask for answers on what an online source can do with my personal contact info? (Shipping details)

After my order hadn't arrived and the source that I thought was legit stopped responding to me I went to a site and wrote a review saying they're scammers and to stay away. Days later I received an email from the source saying I have made a massive mistake for giving bad rep to them and 'thanks' for all of my contact info.

Just wondering what they could possibly do with my info? I believe they are Thailand based and I live in Australia so could they call the police on me or anything and get me busted?

Thanks for any answers guys

Threatened by online store

Happy Halloween! Trick or Treat!

^^^click above^^^

NOW - Halloween*




*Ends October 31st 11:59pm cdt

Happy Halloween! Trick or Treat!

Lost 80 pounds still hate my body...

Hey everyone,

First let me apologize because I know someone has already probably asked what I'm about to ask.... little bit about me. I was morbidly obese in high school. Real bad lol. I finally got in the gym a little more than two years ago and my max bench was 95 pounds. Couldn't do a body squat or a pull up or a push up. I got down to 175 pounds at one point and my body still looked awful even though I gained muscle with the weight loss and when I started before working out. I was 270 pounds.

Anyways I'm now at 215 pounds. Bench max is 250 squat max is 240.doing about 7 pull ups. And I still absolutely hate my body. My man boobs and hips never went away.... so I've finally decided to start a cycle to get the body I want. How would someone go about getting them... What should I take... and what can I do to decrease the size of my man boobs and prevent them from getting worse? Thanks.

Lost 80 pounds still hate my body...

Move my post, Please.

Sorry I meant to post this in the lounge. Could someone move it for me Please?

Move my post, Please.

pct after 3wks of test enanthate?

Hey buff dudes so I got a really close buddy I lift with that recently jumped on a cycle of testosterone enanthate. He was running everything correctly(hcg on cycle, pct on hand and ready to go) anyways so we trained one day together by then I think he was already on week 2. I asked him hows the test kicking in? He told me he was feeling odd sometimes. I was curious on wat he ment and asked him wat exactly did he mean by feeling odd. This is wat he said lower back had slight pain, irregular heart beats, stomach twisting,nausea and had trouble sleeping some nights. I told him not to think about it and it's probably ur brain playing games on u. So that was last week and today I see the guy at the gym he was heading out ,i stopped him to chat for a moment and asked him how he was doing on the gear and he told me he was gonna stop the cycle due to his discomforts! apparently his symptoms were really getting to him. So 2 questions guys is pct nessecary for only 3 weeks of test? And wat do u think was the cause of his symptoms? Bad gear? Let me know what you fellas think! Thanks for reading

pct after 3wks of test enanthate?

Ed issues

Im actually quite embarressed to say the least to even write this, first time ever on cycle or what not im having Ed issues and not even high doses of viagra are doing anything.

I finished up tren e over a week ago now and switched to tren ace and did 4 injections then stopped. Then today i went back to my TRT and pinned my test in the morning and ill take my AI tomorrow, 24hrs after injection, bloods show this keeps my E2 in check, i only ever run my test at 250mg on cycle with arimidex 0.25mg x 2 per week 24hrs after each injection, the erection issues started happening not to long ago, when i was on mast/tren e a few weeks back i was horny as hell, then it dropped off and yeh now im strugging. Been masturbating a fair bit so today i went the whole day without it and still i feel when the missus comes over later it wont be to great.

Strange thing is even when ive had high E2 and prolactin i cant ever remember being ED, maybe a few times but nothing to write about.

Cant see it being prolactin related because P follows E and i was using Arimidex. Any thoughts? Ill try and have BW done tomorrow.

Ed issues

Is anyone here dating a tranny?

I am lol. :wg:

Ask any questions if curious, Id be glad to answer.

Is anyone here dating a tranny?

Tbol Vs. Dbol and 3rd Cycle Help!

dimanche 26 octobre 2014

I'm new to the forums here but about to start my 3rd cycle and have responded well to low dosages ( I guess some people are just blessed or have strong gear ) I'm thinking about doing either Tbol 50mg Ed or Dbol 30mg 6-8 weeks Ed with test ethanate at 350mg a week 10-12 weeks but very skeptical of the two as far as the quality of the gains are. I don't want to do dbol when I could do tbol and get less liver toxicity, and use my ai less, but don't want to risk the extra possibility of 4-7 more pounds I could end up getting after PCT on Dbol rather than if I used Tbol. I guess I'm asking people's experiences on Tbol vs. Dbol on cycle and after cycle as far as the quality of muscle goes. And whether I should possibly end up stacking something like Primo or tren eth with Tbol for more mass and hardness or riding out Dbol's bloat until the PCT ends to see if it's better quality gains. Also, is N2guard a necessity with orals or is high dosed milk thistle "good enough?"


4 years lifting, 25

5'5 176 ( fast metabolism ) BF: 13%

Blood work in check

Strict diet and protein supplements on hand along with other dietary supplements such as multi vitamins etc.

Tbol Vs. Dbol and 3rd Cycle Help!

Downloading music

my you tube converter hasnt been working lately. Do I need a new program or how is everyone else downloading music now? I was using Freemake You Tube converter

Downloading music

200mg bi-weekly shots of Depo-Testosterone, what kind of gains can I expect?

I was on androgel 1.62%, been on it for about 3 months. Doctor is now switching me to 200mg of Test-Depo every two weeks. (I'm opting for 200mg every wk.) I'm 6ft. 180lbs. I lift weights hard, hitting all the angles, 5 to 6 days a week. 35 years old, tall and slender build. Got a decent base now with just a little body fat covering most of my muscle. Anyway, I eat every 3 hours, clean stuff. Pretty much follow a body builders diet. Wondering if it's unrealistic to expect 20-30 pounds of dry, solid gains in the next six months if I settle in the protocol of 200mg every week? Thanks!

200mg bi-weekly shots of Depo-Testosterone, what kind of gains can I expect?

200mg bi-weekly shots of Depo-Testosterone, what kind of gains can I expect?

I was on androgel 1.62%, been on it for about 3 months. Doctor is now switching me to 200mg of Test-Depo every two weeks. (I'm opting for 200mg every wk.) I'm 6ft. 180lbs. I lift weights hard, hitting all the angles, 5 to 6 days a week. 35 years old, tall and slender build. Got a decent base now with just a little body fat covering most of my muscle. Anyway, I eat every 3 hours, clean stuff. Pretty much follow a body builders diet. Wondering if it's unrealistic to expect 20-30 pounds of dry, solid gains in the next six months if I settle in the protocol of 200mg every week? Thanks!

200mg bi-weekly shots of Depo-Testosterone, what kind of gains can I expect?

Horrible weekend.

Diet was going great for past 3-4 months. Well me and wife ate at Burger King 2x this weekend. Then saturday friends were over and I had pizza and beers. Now I feel like crap. Lol. How many of you do this on the weekend. Hope this doesn't set me back. Guess I'll run a lot this week.

Horrible weekend.

anavar only with little test cycle

Hi guys, ive got a few questions about a cycle im planning on running. My cycle is anavar for 8 weeks 50 to 80mg ed. I was reading that it shuts you down bad and you have no sex drive, i have 2 shots of sustanon at home. I was thinking, because sustanon lasts for 4 weeks with the long easters, could i run anavar for 8 weeks and just do 2 shots of sustanon (week 1 and week 4) to keep test levels and sex drive? Will this work.

Also my pct will nolvadex 20mgs for 28days starting the following day of the last var.

How does that sound? Or should i include clomid?

Thanks in advance guys. All help is appreciated

anavar only with little test cycle

HELP, crystallized Test E

Im 6-7 weeks into my test and deca cycle. Good gains and everything has been fine so far. When i reached by 6th week i had to pop a new Test E vial since the last one was empty. I noticed a few crystals in it, nothing overwhelming, so I took the shot anyways with no pain or nothing. In 2 days im about to pin myself again. I took a look at the exact same vial, only to notice that the crystals had grown and the liquid had decreased alot. Out of the 3 test vials im running in total, this was the only one with crystals in it.

Now, am I supposted to put it in some hot water with a pin in it and let it rest for a little, to desolve the crystals? And is it normal for a sudden growth in crystals? It honestly scared me a bit, but the gear itself is great. Have been in contact with my supplier who just told me to heat it up.

HELP, crystallized Test E

hi all

Ive heard theres a new lab out renvex lab any1 used it and is it any good i got 20 bottles on stand by and dont wana waste my cash thanks

hi all

hi guys im new 2 this jus wana see if any1 used renvex labs

Can u let me knw asap as i got bou 20 bottles on stand by ready for collection cheers all

hi guys im new 2 this jus wana see if any1 used renvex labs

Gym Scene

samedi 25 octobre 2014

I am a regular person who just wears athletic shorts a white t-shirt and my nikes to workout( leg day I got my old skateboarding shoes because they are flat and have a stronger outer wall to push out against)

The gym I go to lately since I've moved around is full of people who seem like they spend more time and money on their apparel than giving 2 craps about getting results? Did gym fads always come and go through the years? Sometimes when I watch 80's bodybuilder videos I notice they all dressed in extremely fluorescent one piece clown suits? Was that the fad back then? I know when I go to Maine sometimes I see people walking the track wearing Argon socks and there was even one gentleman who cut his shirt right below his chest.....but he didn't have the abdominal region to show off. Like that was a style?

I was just wondering if someone would enlighten me on some of these so called "fashion" statements.

And do you guys also go to a gym where people are more focused on their clothing aesthetics rather than actually training? I wish I would stumble upon an iron dungeon and workout around others who would inspire me.

Gym Scene

215lb Monster

I'm wondering why everyone is taking such a large dose

Of T? I'm on only 160mg of T and in my 8th week I have massive gains , I couldnt imagine 200 or 300 mg

A week, it's gotta be asking for trouble. Since I'm going to TRT therapy 160 is the most they will give me,

But I'm happy. I was 198lbs and now 215, and lost every inch of my fat, water weight test at 7% I'm worried the clinic is gonna lower my dose, my question is if they lower it will I lose my gains or can I keep the muscle if I stay in the gym and work hard?

215lb Monster

Anyone get acne on HRT/TRT?

Curious if anyone gets acne while on HRT/TRT. A lot of people in another section say that their skin is not so bad on TRT, but worse during PCT/when they cycle.

For those of you who reply to this, did you also get bad acne as a teen? I'm very interested in seeing how much of a correlation their is between people who had terrible skin as a teen and who still gets it while they're on TRT.

Also, if you do get acne on TRT, does it get worse when you blast? Bonus points to anyone who is willing to list dosages and how severe their acne is on that dose!

Anyone get acne on HRT/TRT?

new member intro

just wanted to say hey and I cant wait to learn new info on here. Been on other boards in the past. Took a break and now Im backkkkkkkkkkkkkk

new member intro

This Monday the 27th... HALLOWEEN...

...for us!

This Monday the 27th...

France: Paris Opera cast refuse to perform for veiled woman

Paris Opera cast refuse to perform for veiled woman - Telegraph

In my opinion, France has gone too far with this one.

Not agreeing with other people's beliefs is one thing. Prohibiting them from practicing these beliefs just because you disagree with them is another.

How can we pretend to be ''democratic'' countries where people have freedom of belief, and yet do things like this?

What do you guys think?

France: Paris Opera cast refuse to perform for veiled woman

help Bw results

Hey guys

Just wondering if u could let me know if my results are look alright during my cycle im 6 weeks in.

Testosterone 52.0 nmol/L

SHBH 16 nmol/L

Free testosterone 1947 pmol/L

DHea Sulphate 4.4 umol/L

Oestradiol 87 pmol/L

help Bw results

Wanting to run my 1st cycle of halodrol PH -- simple questions.

Title says it all.

After doing some research for a while now and looking around the web, I think I have found a pretty safe and clean way to cycle PH.

In my shopping cart ready to purchase I have a bottle of halodrol (halo-v by Vital labs). I decided to go with this PH for my first cycle because of the no estrogen conversion with no aromatization. I have also decided to use Vital Labs on-cycle and PCT/Liver support as well as purchasing alpha pharmas nolva SERM (I know nolva is a stronger SERM for Halo but I'm trying to be real safe with the estrogen for my 1st cycle) as well as more fish oils, green teas, joint supports, and a test booster.

I am confident with my decision in all this but I would at least like some confirmation from you guys, users of PH or not, as to your opinion of my stack, any tips or advice for my 1st cycle. Thanks!

Wanting to run my 1st cycle of halodrol PH -- simple questions.

Please help thanks

I've just started GOIN to gym about 8 weeks ago I'm 6 foot 12 and half stone ive started usin omnadec which is 200ml of test and 200 of deca in a mixed vial i take 1ml per week And I eat all the proper food and drink beef protein shakes along with creatine liquid under tongue in morning I was 12 stone wen I joined the gym so ive put on half a stone in 8 weeks will I finish this 10 week course of omnadec and take a break from it or buy more and stick to same dosage or do I have to use something else I really want to bulk up big ive got shsoe now but I want to bulk fast can any of you big chaos help me out here thank you for your time

Please help thanks

Got sick, lost 75 pounds, help me get this going again!

What up guys, want to start off by saying I'm about 155 6'3 right now, almost 23 yrs old. About 1yr 1/2 ago I got super sick, and almost died. I couldn't get rid of this infection for about a year. I was in my bed and couldn't leave the house for a whole year. It really sucked but I'm doing a lot better now and have been starting to lift again.

I was at 6'3 200 10% bf before, i got down to around 125 at my lowest. I'm trying to get it all back, but my recovery really sucks. Before all this I could work out so hard every day, and now a 45minute 3 day split once a week is pushing it.

Anyone have any advice? I've never done any gear but it's really tempting to try 250 test-e for 3 months and see if it helps. My test levels are normal last time they were checked(around 750-800 i think?)

I CAN force feed myself without any trouble, I've always had trouble gaining weight but as long as I count my calories I'm just fine. I can get down 3-4,000 and gain weight, I just wish my lifting recovery was better.

Any advice would be great, It sucks to lose all your progress but I'm not giving up. Thanks homies

Got sick, lost 75 pounds, help me get this going again!

Lowered Test Dose - Feel Amazing!

Gentleman - I thought I'd share my personal experience as it relates to my transition from Androgel to Test-C, and my overall feeling / sex drive as I lowered my Test-C dose.

To provide some high level background:

1) 32 Years Old, 6'1 Height, 205lbs, 11% BF

2) Started TRT @ 25 as I tested in the low 400's, felt like crap, low

sex drive etc.

3) Was put on 6 pumps of Androgel 1% and 350 IU X 3/week HCG, and felt great for years, tested is low 700's

4) July of 2014, switched to 100mg Test-C/week split @ 50mg/3.5 days, and lowered HCG to 105IU/day. The change to injection was due to wife and I starting family, and I did not want to risk the Androgel transfer.

5) While on the above injection protocol, I gained a great deal of water weight, my right nipple developed a lump, felt low energy, low sex drive. My high level blood work had my Total Test @ 778, and Total Estradiol at 30. From a numbers perspective, it looks good, but felt brutal.

6) As of 5 weeks ago, I lowered my Test C dose to 80mg/week split every 3.5days while continuing my 105IU/day of HCG and I feel AMAZING. The feeling of improvement was effective week 2, has improved, and I'm back to feeling like a champ (great sex drive, energy sense of well being.

I've yet to get blood work given my new protocol, but I thought I'd share the above as I thought that sharing the above may be of interest given my experience.

Lowered Test Dose - Feel Amazing!

Did you have teen acne? Do you get acne on cycle now?

Anyone out there have bad acne as a teen? When you run gear now do you get bad acne (on cycle or during PCT? I had horrible acne as a teen and got it squared with accutane. I have clear skin now, but I'm curious if I had it when I was younger, am I extremely likely to break out badly with gear?

All responses appreciated, whether you get horrible acne or none at all. Curious to hear what you all have to say

Did you have teen acne? Do you get acne on cycle now?

Mental Health

Hi guys I will get right to it.

I have been diagnosed with depression, ocd, anxiety, and possibly bipolar. Currently meds I am taking are the following: Zopiclone (Immovane) 15 mg, Surmontil (Trimipramine) 250 mg, Clonazepam 2mg, and Epival (Divalproic Acid) 1000 mg.

I am 40 years old and in the infancy stage of studying steroids. I would like to use steroids some time in the future but only when I have more information.

When I first cycle it will be a standard test only cycle.

So my questions are: will steroids possible enhance my anxiety and problems or will steroids give me a reprieve from the anxiety. The reason I mention this is because some people on steroids speak of an overall sense of well being, along with feelings of greater confidence.

Again, I am in no rush to start using steroids anytime soon.

Thank-you all for reading.

Mental Health

What happens if you lower your prolactin too much with caberg.?

Could this have the opposite effect that its sopposed to have? Why or why not? I need help figuring out what my issue is. Thank you very much :)

My last bloods (One Month ago):

FSH 8.46 mUI/mL

LH 9.8 mUI/mL

Free Testosterone 50.48 pg/mL (higher than normal)

Testosterone Total 628.6

Prolactin (15 days without bromo). 18.4 ng/mL ----------------------------------(2 years ago 29 ng/mL)

What happens if you lower your prolactin too much with caberg.?

Most Accomplished Guitarist

vendredi 24 octobre 2014

1) Technical Expertise

2) Degree of difficulty

3) Dynamic Range

4) Innovation

5) Ability of other Guitarists to emulate

6) Originality

I've been to literally hundreds of concerts during my life. I seen Steve Morse play with Deep Purple, who most think is an excellent guitarist. Then out came Joe. I stood there, no more than 50 feet away, blown away, speechless, mouth wide open, in amazement. Never have I seen such wizardry. You can listen to Joe, or you can watch Joe. You have to experience Joe to fully appreciate the talent.

This is his Satch Boogie video. You can see he does things most guitarists don't. But this is not a real good example of his talent. He seems to be barely moving.

Most Accomplished Guitarist

What do you think of my cycle?

So I'm planing to start my cycle in a month time for 12 weeks followed by 4 weeks PCT. I'm 28y, been training for more than 5 years. been always active and sporty.

Stats are:

Weight 75k

Height 179cm

Bodyfat 9%

Would like your insight, here is my cylce details:

WeekTestDbolWinstrolArimidexNolvaClomidClenN2GuardMilk ThistleTrainingNutrition P/C/FCalories Intake
Week 1500mg/wk30mg/ed .25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/40/20Maintenance
Week 2500mg/wk30mg/ed .25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/40/20Maintenance+500
Week 3500mg/wk50mg/ed .25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/40/20Maintenance+500
Week 4500mg/wk50mg/ed .25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/40/20Maintenance+1000
Week 5500mg/wk50mg/ed .25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/40/20Maintenance+1000
Week 6500mg/wk50mg/ed .25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/40/20Maintenance+1000
Week 7600mg/wk 50mg\ed.25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/40/20Maintenance+1000
Week 8600mg/wk 50mg\ed.25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/20/40Maintenance+500
Week 9600mg/wk 80mg\ed.25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed4x Weight - 2x Cardio40/20/40Maintenance+500
Week 10600mg/wk 100mg\ed.25mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed4x Weight - 2x Cardio40/20/40Maintenance
Week 11600mg/wk 100mg\ed.25mg/ed 40mg/ed6 Caps/ed36g/ed4x Weight - 2x Cardio40/20/40Maintenance-500
Week 12600mg/wk 100mg\ed.25mg/ed 80mg/ed6 Caps/ed36g/ed4x Weight - 2x Cardio40/20/40Maintenance-500
PCT (2 weeks after last Test shot)
Week 13 40mg/ed100mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/30/30Maintenance+200
Week 14 40mg/ed50mg/ed 6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/30/30Maintenance+200
Week 15 20mg/ed25mg/ed80mg/ed6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/30/30Maintenance+200
Week 16 20mg/ed25mg/ed40mg/ed6 Caps/ed36g/ed5x Weight - 1x Cardio40/30/30Maintenance+200

What do you think of my cycle?

Arimidex or Letro?

While on cycle i am going to have to take either arimidex or letro? I am planning for 500mg/week x 14. Which is best?

Arimidex or Letro?

What is everyones calories needed for good workout?

I know everyone is different with goals and size etc. But I notice that if I don't have at least 1,000+ calories for the day prior to working out I won't have enough energy for a good workout.

Today I prob had 600-700 carries then went to gym at 12noon. I did 20 min of cardio which was fine. Then a crappy back routine due to lack of energy.

I think the higher my calories are for the day the better my workouts are. I just have to remember that and not get discouraged and believe I'm just weak that day.

Anyone else have a calories threshold needed for solid weights workout?

What is everyones calories needed for good workout?

Blood Work - After PCT

So I have been fighting a bit of gyno / puffynips for about 2 months. Just got my bloods.

Testostrerone, Serum 639 ng/dL 348-197 01

Fre Testoerone(Direct) 13.0 pg/mL 8.7-25.1 01

LH 4.1 mIU/mL 1.7-8.6 01

FSH 2.4 mIU/mL 1.5-12.4 01

Prolactin 14.3 ng/mL 4.0-15.2 01

Estradiol 8.6 pg/mL 7.6-42.6 01

Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 37.7 nmol/L 16.5-55.9 01

(estro looks low - but libido is good)

Prolactin seems to be the issue, though not past range, just at the tip of the range.

Right now on Ralox to combat the gyno.

What do you suggest? Jimiinkedup - Austinite?

Blood Work - After PCT

Post failed PCT Triptorelin shot **Update**

After my dumbass cycled for 6 months I decided to come off. I blasted HCG EOD 1500IU for 16 days then started pct





Also used a bottle of HCGenerate, DAA, Vitamin E and Zinc supplements.

PCT meds were legit and purchased from a reputable pharmacy.

Two weeks after this pct I got blood work done and had test level of 159 and my estradiol wasn't even registering on the scale just said less than 6. LH FSH were like .2 and .7

I decided to try one shot of 100mcg triptorelin from a reputable research chem site as I have ready many good things about it helping restart the system.

3 weeks after the shot my test didn't get better but it actually decreased to 128 and my estradiol still isn't even on the scale.

So 5 weeks after a strong pct I have actually regressed. If I had atleast increased into the 200-300 range after 5 weeks I would wait this out. I'm going to start self administered TRT. With my hormones this low I feel tired, drained and depressed 24/7. Even though my gf is super supportive, I know she is hurting. We haven't had sex in over a month and it kills me inside that I can't fulfill her needs. I'm only 25, let this be a lesson to you all. I know I learned mine.

Post failed PCT Triptorelin shot **Update**

Female 1st Anavar Cycle

Hello! I started my first cycle of anavar 10/21.

I have been weightlifting for 3 1/2 years, and have a decent strength base but have hit the wall and am looking to see strength increase as well as build lean mass. I train 2-3 hours a day, 5 days a week weightlifting, as well as run 1/2 mile every day.

I'm at 1850 calorie intake, 160 g protein, 40-50g fat, 100-140g carbs

I eat clean and train hard.

Current Measurements:

age 29

weight 137

height 5'6

chest 34

bicep 11

shoulder 19

waist 27

hip 36

thigh 21

calf 14.5

Current strength:

Backsquat: 220

Front Squat: 195

deadlift: 230

press: 80

snatch: 108

Clean: 150

Jerk: 145

So far I am on day 4, and haven't really noticed any difference. Last night a little trouble sleeping.

I look forward to the cycle and any advice anyone has to offer.

Thanks =)

Female 1st Anavar Cycle



Guys do you no longer sell syringes?


GEP, General European Pharmaceuticals

GEP is a good brand? anyone used testomix 350, deca or diana from this brand?

GEP, General European Pharmaceuticals

PIP like a mother!

Had my first injection of test e 250 mg in the right glute and thought all was fine and dandy. No pain during the injection and a bit sore the day after. 2 days after the right buttock has swollen and grown very stiff and tender to the touch. There is discomfort while walking and sitting down requires me to ease into it like no other. The pain is VERY uncomfortable. Whenever I sit down the pain will eventually subside so that I can sit on that butt cheek. The swelling is about the size of a grapefruit. This is day 5 since the injection. What could this be?

PIP like a mother!

ostarine 6 week cycle log / on day 4 right now

jeudi 23 octobre 2014

After about 5 months of research, I have decided to do a cycle of ostarine. I received 2 bottles from unique last friday and I began my 6 week cycle @ 15mg on monday the 20th. I am eating mostly clean with very few cheat meals (burgers). My calories are usually just above or at maintenance level. My workouts include: (push-monday/legs-wednesday/pull-friday) I do light cardio once a week and abs at least 2 times a week.


fish oil, multivitamin, b12, creatine, purus organ shield (just in case), and whey

Days 1-4 @15mg:

Have not felt or seen anything from this cycle thus far. Workouts felt the same. Only thing I can say is that the taste is not as bad as everybody makes it out to be.

I am thinking about upping the dosage to 17.5mg next monday.

Question: I have some extra DAA and some otc AI (estrogenex). Should I add this to the cycle? Or does it not make much of a difference?

ostarine 6 week cycle log / on day 4 right now

Overdue clen gel

Got a tub of clen that's been in fridge (one with the horse label ) and it's oct 14 due by date. Fine to use ?

Overdue clen gel

Metallica - Jump in the Fire

I've been grooving on this song lately. Local radio station has a "Mandatory Metallica" show while I drive home from work.

Your favorite Metallica? This one is awesome!

Metallica - Jump in the Fire

Creating and Test

Can anyone let me know if Creatine will be good with my TRT therapy ? The motive would be to get bigger, leaner, faster... Will creatiine work well with my 160mg a week T injections? Or will or make me retain more water?


Creating and Test

Using Test Suspension to supplement a cycle for events and Key workouts

Currently cycling:

500mg/week Test e

50Mg/ED Var

400iu/ed HCG

25Mg/ed aromasin

I am looking to supplement current cycle with Test Suspension to increase aggression, Red Blood count, and recovery only on days of endurance events and key workouts.

Does this makes sense? Or should I just increase the test e dosage?

Using Test Suspension to supplement a cycle for events and Key workouts