Please Help.. Winstrol + clen cycle pct URGENT

vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Hello everyone,

I am 27yrs old 5ft9 and 100kgs.

I was trying to loose some weight but was not able to do so. So my trainer(good body but lack of knowledge)

Suggested me to go on clen plus winstrol, having no better option and my lack of knowledge on steroids i decided to give it a try.

I took 10mg winstrol and 40mg clen for first 2 weeks then i doubled the dosage.

But i found it uncomfortable after 4 days so i stopped.

Now i am worried that i did not complete 4 weeks and i did not taper it off.

Also i have no idea when should or should i even take PCT?

It's my 2nd day without both of them.

Please help me. I dont know anyone i can ask.

Please Help.. Winstrol + clen cycle pct URGENT

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