Just thinking about a 2nd cycle few questions...

jeudi 29 janvier 2015

I am just thinking about a 2nd cycle on down the road. It will pretty much be the same as the first beside a few things. The first cycle was test e 400mg/ml UGL I ran 200x2 a week. This time it will be Pharam grade at 500mg a week. Should this change a lot for me?

I ran adex for UGL at .50 EOD with first cycle. I have a few left but not enough for the whole cycle. So I will be running AR_R liquid dex(Got to figure out how to take it.) at what dose I have no clue just yet since the first cycle I ran .50. How will this change if any since one is liguid and the other is pill form? Or is adex...adex. Thanks

will also run HCG EO3d AT .250IU

First cycle was 10 weeks this will be 12 weeks more than likely.

I would like to use this one a a cut cycle if you can do that on a test only cycle??? Ups and downs of this?

These are just some question I was wondering. Not going to start till later on. I am just now 8 weeks off. From my last shot of the first cycle.

Thanks guys. All info is welcome...

Just thinking about a 2nd cycle few questions...

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