Give Your Opinion on

vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Many of you here are clients of ours, in fact, a substantial number of you are. With that in mind, I'd like your honest opinions. There are no wrong answers.

1. What are your thoughts on our program?

2. Is there something missing you would like to see added?

3. Has your doctor treated you poorly and if so, how?

4. Do you consider the cost a good value?


Please refrain from saying things like "I'd like to see Nandrolone as part of the plan" that's not TRT and a different issue. Or I'd like to see HGH covered by the plan." That's impossible based on the cost of the plan. However, in the future we may (I know we will) progress into full HRT as well as for women, but LowT is the only focus today.

And past clients who are no longer with us, please feel free to voice your opinions even if they are negative ones. You will not be bashed by anyone at LowT for those opinions. If anything, I'd like to see if we can rectify such situations when and where possible.

OK, Speak Up :)

Give Your Opinion on

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