Steroid gains

mercredi 15 avril 2015

I have just read the first sticky thread about planning a successful first cycle. My question is: what were your results on your first cycle and what did you take and in what dosage? He says that on average you get 10lb water 5lb fat 5lb muscle. For me that sounds quiet bad considering he mentioned: good diet (12 weeks cycle). There are quiet a few summer lifters at my gym. One for example has a natural very lean built with not fat, he just started to lift again and in 1month... he blew up. When he started again this spring I had bigger arms and I was stronger (lifting for only 7months) and now his arm is as big as my leg. He looks life a fitness model, no fat and i don't know what to say about water.

Also he mentiones a lot of substances there that he uses during the cycle which, for me is unusual. At the gym, all the huge guys and also on several forums the PCT is made of nolva and you are supposed to take it during the cycle only if you get gyno.

Steroid gains

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