keto and cheat days?

vendredi 17 avril 2015

To start, I am not on a keto diet. Hell, I'm not really on any kind of diet (other then covering my protein needs).

I've been considering keto because of the reviews I've read. Most people rave about the insane amount of energy they have, as well as great fat loss.

I'm 15-16%bf now, on trt. Currently in a blast (5 th week).

I'd love to be 10% Without losing strength. Keto seems like a pretty fair diet for this goal.

So, regarding the title. . I love pizza. Probably more then I love lifting weights. I've cut it down to once every 2 weeks, sometimes once a week of I really get the craving. How would this affect the diet? I know it would throw the body out of ketosis, but I've also read that racing ketosis is not necessarily important?

What do you guys think? Am I going to have to throw out the pizza Night?

keto and cheat days?

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