Is tren magic on a dirty bulk for just me?

mercredi 25 février 2015

I've cut and recomp on tren ace at 400mg a week the first 8 weeks. I didn't even lean out and got shit loads of sides. I went from 1800 calories to 2600 calories to 6000+ calories now.

I'm eating so dirty and there are no cons anymore except for heavy night sweats like a river haha. I sleep like a baby - no interrupted sleep, no depression or aggression or mood swings, I've got super strength and more LEAN (although I drink 2.5-3 gallons of water a day so feel bloated but when I wake up its rinsed out). Eating dirty as long as I hit 300-400g protein a day with cookies and cake is more beneficial.

Has anyone else done this? Or am I the only one? Why am I getting leaner? I actually feel so pissed off with cutting and recomping the past few weeks when I could of done this. Subject to high protein macros hit then eating literally sweets, cakes, fries and cookies etc. My logic is - I feel like my carbs just burn off at night due to the sweats and my body gets tighter especially stomach area in the morning! Anybody chime in here? There must be a few others? Bare in mind im in between 197-200lbs at the moment which is baby weight at 6ft LOL (ecto)

Is tren magic on a dirty bulk for just me?

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