Debating between EQ/ Test E/ T-Bol OR Deca/DBol/Test E

mardi 24 février 2015

My Stats:

5'9" 180 lbs, 12% body fat

I have done 4 cycles of:

-Sust 250: 500 mg/weeks- 12 weeks (if I did again I think I would switch to Test E, or Test C)

-Deca Durabolin- 400 mg/week- 10 weeks

-DBol- 30 mg/ed- 6 weeks

-Arimidex- .5mg/ed- 12 weeks

-Plus PCT

I really loved those cycles, I am not looking for more bulk than that, and wouldn't want a bigger gain cycle. I lift around 5 days a week, and mountain bike 7 days a week and am a very competitive biker. I was considering trying a cycle of:

-Test E: 250-300 mg/ week- 16 weeks

-EQ: 400-600 mg/ week- 14 weeks

-DBol: 30 mg/ed- 6 weeks

-Arimidex- .5 mg/ 2-3 week- 16 weeks

-Plus PCT

I have been reading tons of mixed emotion on an EQ cycle. Some people love it and swear by doing an EQ cycle, and others say its not worth it. I was considering EQ for my mountain biking and RBC.

What are peoples thoughts on the cycle? Would I be best of doing what I know I like and have had good results from?

And has anyone done an EQ cycle that can give me good feedback?

Thanks for any and all help!


Debating between EQ/ Test E/ T-Bol OR Deca/DBol/Test E

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